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1 . 爱对了是爱情,爱错了是青春。

2 .  No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.

3 . 教师节没有什么可以送给老师,只好把学过的知识还回去了。

4 . 早就想吃烤肉火锅,说不去就能不去,花了很多心血规划的旅游路线,说删除就删除,而此类女生有个共同特点:没有钱。

5 .  You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sang for you.

6 . 我想要一米的阳光,照亮我的整个世界.

7 . 我未来老婆肯定是个路痴,要不然怎么现在还没找到我。

8 . 你往前走,我一定在你后面

9 . 我想抱你,还想摸你,如果你不服,可以亲我一口。

10 . 不要当着我的面说别人坏话,不然我也想说。

11 . 岁月不居,时节如流,岁月的斑驳随红尘飞落,剪不断的思绪落满了离殇,静守岁月的芳香!晚安。

12 .  If you were a cactus,I'd endure all the pain just to hug you.

13 .  The furthest distance in the world. Is not being apart while being in love. But when plainly cannot resist the yearning. Yet pretending you have never been in my heart.

14 . 情不知所起,一往而深。恨不知所踪,一笑而泯。晚安。

15 . 鬼是很怕死亡的,因为他们死后,就会变成人。

16 . 阳光暖暖的时光慢慢的,我是蔚蓝的,在静好的岁月边缘张望着。

17 . 爱就是,我以为我要变得足够好才能遇见你,却发现,原来是遇见了你,我才变成一个最好的我。

18 .  To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the whole world.

19 . 真正的潇洒,是心中充满阳光,积极进取,乐观向上。用微笑去面对生活,轻松愉快,就是人生的潇洒与幸福。

20 . 我想把世界上最好的都给你,却发现世界上最好的就是你。
