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1 .  You make me want to be a better man. 你让我想要成为一个更好的男人。

2 .  You can’t deny what’s between us. 你无法否认我们之间的感情

3 .  I think I like it.跟你在一起让我变得很废。不过我喜欢。

4 . When Easter arrives, let happiness wake up, let happiness not be awakened, let good luck be reborn, let auspicious open your eyes, let you have happiness, happiness, happiness, good luck, good fortune, happy Easter.复活节到,快让幸福苏醒,让快乐别在沉醒,让好运重生,让吉祥睁开大眼睛,让你拥有幸福不断,快乐常在,好运重重,吉祥围绕,复活节快乐。

5 .  With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。

6 . 我们是来赚钱的,不是来效忠的,天底下的一切不过都是交易。

7 .  I knew I loved you when I farted and you didn't run away.我放屁的时候你没有逃走,我爱定你了。

8 .  We’re perfect for each other. 我们对彼此来说是完美的。

9 . 每个月至少都有三十天不想上班。

10 . 有些老板就是靠虐下属来续命的

11 . hat if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 那你若口里认耶稣是主,心里信神叫他从死里复活,就必得救。

12 .  Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。

13 . 总觉得自己的性格不适合上班,只适合领工资。

14 .  I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉

15 .  Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you.在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

16 .  Love me little and love me long.不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

17 .  If I know what love is, it is because of you.因为你,我懂得了爱。

18 .  Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

19 . 想要上班以外的生活,也是就有了加班。

20 .  Where there is great love, there are always miracles.哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。
